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Ms. Li Yue-nv Commemorate Reading Room

Ms. Li Yue-nv Commemorate Reading Room


Ms. Li Yue-nv Commemorative Reading Room


    As someone traveled far to this mountain city where NUU is, it is the most cheerful mission to become a protector of these many students through a work contract years later.  The new build of Department of Chemical Engineering quadruples students’ learning space at the least.  In order to offer the students a quiet and undisturbed studying space after class, the concept of building a reading center was on the plan.  Since the school had no extra fund, a donation was launched among department staff.  In need of donation, the department received NT$200,000 from Ms. Li Yue-nv Memorial Foundation just at the time.  To show appreciation of all members of the department, the reading room is then named after Ms. Li Yue-nv to attract more benevolence.

[grateful hearts with appreciation for you]





李月女 女士紀念K 書中心 使用規則
一、 國立聯合大學化工系館為維護李月女女士紀念K書中心(以下簡稱本中心)之閱讀秩序,特訂定「國立聯合大學化工系K書中心使用辦法」以下簡稱本辦法,以為閱讀規範及執行公務之依據。
二、 本K書中心設有28個座位,僅限本系學生使用,使用者須填入預約之位次。
三、 本中心開放時間:
四、 使用人應衣著整潔,依預約編號對號入座;進入本中心後應保持安靜,不得交談、喧嘩、嘻戲、佔位、嚴禁吸菸、飲食、隨意K拋棄紙屑雜物及其他不當行為。
五、 本中心內應保持肅靜,禁止講行動電話及私自接用電器用品,以維護公共用電安全。
六、 讀者不得預佔座位,一經發現即予清除;個人物品請隨身攜帶,本中心不負責保管及遺失賠償責任。
七、 若有上述違規行為或其他不當使用狀況,經稽核登記3次,得凍結本中心使用權利半年。
八、 本辦法經系務會議通過後公告實施,修訂時亦同。


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